

            At first glance, Dragonelle seems to be almost a caricature of the "femme fatale" characters from those old, cheesy spy novels of the fifties and sixties. Anyone who makes the mistake of classifying her that way, though, probably won't live to regret it. She's phenomenally intelligent, and a natural mimic, capable of impersonating almost any woman in her general physical range. She's capable of modulating her voice as well, so as to imitate almost anyone she hears.

            Yes, Dragonelle's sexuality is quite blatant, to the point where it's the first thing anyone notices about her. But what really drives her is POWER, and her sexual nature is only a facet of that.

            Everything about Dragonelle speaks of her obsession with power, from the design of her costume (gold armor speaks of strength AND wealth) to her fascination with the motif of the Chinese dragon. It's the reason behind her almost worshipful loyalty to John Dread, the one man whose power consistently exceeds hers. And like many intelligent, strong women before her, Dragonelle uses sex as just another tool to gain power.

            That's the reason she's so fascinated with Max. In the first place, he's physically powerful, far more than any man she's ever faced. To subjugate that physical strength to her pleasure would be both confirmation of and a boost to her own power. Secondly, though, is the fact that Max is a challenge. He is simply NOT INTERESTED in her, and so seducing him becomes a more attractive prospect with each rejection that occurs.

            It's this same skewed view of power that leads to her strong rivalry with Rachel. Aside from Dread, Dragonelle doesn't have a great deal of respect for men, since most of them are so easily manipulated by her charms. As a result, she tends to assign female agents a higher status than their male counterparts. Since Team Steel is most often the one to foil Dread's schemes, Rachel became the focus for her animosity. It doesn't help matters any that Rachel is very attractive, and the recipient of attention Dragonelle would just as soon be directed at her. Most especially from Max, whose feelings are blatantly obvious to everyone but Rachel.