MM Episode Reviews (in no particular chronological order.)

The Beginning.

Well, as the name might imply, this is the pilot for the series. Interestingly enough, it begins in media res, with Dr. Wily's bots attacking an airport (No wonder people are afraid to fly!) and Mega Man coming to the rescue. It then segues into a backstory which winds up contradicting a number of later episodes.

Artwork: Not bad. Not the best I've ever seen the series do, but not horrible by a long shot. Lower on shadows than normal, but Protoman's Weapon Copy scene was absolutely gorgeous. I give it a 7.
Premise/Plot: Um... Well, premise here sets up most of the show, so it gets high marks for being a great idea. On the other hand, it gets contradicted by other episodes, BETTER episodes. The plot was pretty easy to follow, if uninspired.  Soo... 6.
Dialogue: No real groaners here, and Wily's monologue while working on Protoman is HILARIOUS.  Protoman, as usual, gets some lovely lines, especially smarting off to Wily. A nice "join the Dark Side" bit between Proto and Rock baps this one up to an 8.
Voice Acting: I've never heard a BADLY acted episode of Mega Man. I just haven't. Okay, except Curse of the Lion Men. Nothing really inspired here, though.... 8.
Mega/Proto Factor: Less than you might expect, considering that this is the pilot. Rock is obviously less than convinced of his relationship to Protoman at this point, something that goes out the window later on. One LOVELY fight scene at the end, and of course, the aforementioned "Join the Dark Side" bit. So, I"m going to give it a 5.
Other notes and adjustments: As a first effort, it deserves points for trying, and for NOT having any "Let's bludgeon the viewers with introductory info" moments. +1 for that.
Overall: A fairly good episode, one that I enjoyed watching. 8/10

Bad Day at Peril Park

 Is Wily turning humans into robots? Well... I can't really answer that one. It'll spoil the surprise. :) Despite a few plot holes, (Guts Man-sized plot holes,) this is actually a semi-entertaining episode. A few good fight scenes and Dr. Light acting like a scientist at a HIGHLY inconvenient time make this enjoyable.

Artwork: Nothing horrid, but nothing to write home about. Liked the design of the dragon, but the google-eyed Hard Man and a lack of depth counteract that. 6.
Premise/Plot: Interesting premise, but as I said, the plot had holes big enough to chuck a Robot Master through. They're mostly ignorable, though. The end revelation is a tad silly. 6
Dialogue: No groaners, not a lot of standouts. Dr. Light's assessment of the dragon- "A crude creation, but highly effective,"- is rather amusing, considering it's trying to EAT him at the time. (Some fans take this as evidence that Dr. Light is an idiot. I think he just has a tendency to be a scientist a little too often.)  Dialogue gets a 5.
Voice Acting: Now this is an interesting one. Hard Man's Bronx accent takes it down a notch. (Yes, folks, this is the category where you hear me complain about Robot Master voices. And I will. Frequently. :)) Most everyone else was passable, but you kind of got the feeling they were phoning it in. 5
Mega/Proto Factor: Pretty much non-existent. One battle in an ice cave, and one assessment of respective strengths by Proto pretty much cover it. And this episode could have used a good fight scene between them at the end. 4, for missed chances.
Other notes and adjustments: Plus .5, just for how tickled I get watching Dr. Light adventuring with all the aplomb of his much more durable creations.
Overall: 5.5. It's fun, but don't make room in your tape collection just for this one.

Electric Nightmare

Wily takes over the city's power grid, and machines everywhere go crazy! Not good news for the people of New York, who have already dealt with this sort of thing several times before, in other cartoon shows. I'm not actually clear on the physics of this sort of thing. One question, though-- why does it ALWAYS come down to flying toasters?

Artwork: Pretty nice, actually. Smooth, and the fountain effects near the end were quite well done. Pharaoh Man looked pretty good as well. Somewhat flat, though. 8.
Premise/Plot: Despite being about as original as mud and nearly as old, this is one of those premises that never really gets creaky. The "spy in the lab" routine was used to pad out what would have been a pretty short ep, but it mixed in well. This episode was basically an excuse to deal damage, so the minimal storyline is more than excusable. The opening segue is kind of jarring, though. 8.
Dialogue:  Pun city, not uncommon for an action cartoon. Some fairly memorable bits, including Guts Man?s "Public Service" announcement, another "Join the Dark Side" bit from Protoman, Dr. Light musing on door lock construction, and many others. This one gets a 9, just because it's fun.
Voice Acting: This is one of those episodes where you can TELL the voice actors were having a great time. Especially Scott McNeil, who was throwing himself into the role of Dr. Wily with unusual relish. I could have done without Light's robo-maid's voice, but that's a minor quibble in the scheme of things. 9.
Mega/Proto Factor: Lower than it could have been, had they jettisoned the spy plot, but I guess they didn't think the kids had the attention spans for a long, drawn-out battle. It gets a 6, mainly because the lack didn't hurt the story that much.
Other notes and adjustments: The "destruction of property" ep has always been a favorite of mine, whether in Ninja Turtles, Real Ghostbusters, or any other show. Mega's creative escapes and Wily's unconcealed glee also help bump this up another plus 1.
Overall: 7

Bot Transfer

Wily intends to kidnap a lot of scientists, and has the transport chambers to do it. Mega Man is an obstacle, however, and so the Blue Bomber gets a transport trip of his own-- into the body of Snake Man!

Artwork: Fairly flat, with some nice light effects at the end. Also some impressive facial detail on Mega Man at some points... 7
Premise/Plot: The premise is somewhat old, but it's always a fun one. As to the plot, I think a little too much time was spent on the setup, time that could have been used to focus on Mega Man's plight and Snake Man's deception. Also... Mega really is DUMB in this episode. He continually forgets that NO ONE WILL RECOGNIZE HIM in Snake Man's body, and his getting lured into the trap had me yelling at the set. How many people do YOU know with red hands? 7.
Dialogue: A couple good lines... Mega and Dr. Light musing on Guts Man and Cut Man's great escape, Protoman's lament on the lack of trust between brothers, and Roll's rather late analysis of the situation. The rest of it's neither bad nor good. 7.
Voice Acting: First off, a thousand thank yous to whomever decided that Mega Man and Snake Man's voices should stay with their bodies. Whether it was the writer, the voice director, or Ian Corlett himself, (he provides voices for both characters,) it was the absolute right decision. One, it makes SENSE. Voices are physical characteristics, even for robots. Two, if Mega Man hissed, I think Dr. Light would guess that something was up. Three, and this is the big one, it gave us a chance to hear Mega Man's voice do things we'd never heard before. He sneered, he laughed malevolently-- basically, he got to be evil. Protoman got to shine, as well, with several lines of marvelous delivery. Nothing really bad here, so I'm giving it a 9.
Mega/Proto Factor: Pretty good, actually. Another attempt at conversion by Proto, another flat-out refusal by Mega. It's a mark of the actors? skills that we're not bored with it yet. And after the revelation of the trap, Mega looks about ready to rip his brother in half. The only downer? Why was Protoman treating Snake Man in Mega's body as if he were Mega Man for real? 9.
Other notes and adjustments: None, just a complaint about Mega Man?s general stupidity in this ep.
Overall:  8


Wily builds a big spider robot to wipe out a computer of Dr. Light's, which controls the security system for a military base. First, though, he has to suck the city dry of energy. (Question-- if the spider could get through the security system to reach the computer, why would it need to take out the computer in the first place?)

Artwork: Very nice. Kind of flat in places, drop-dead gorgeous in others. And an extra point for Mega Man and Rush in their matching sunglasses. :) 8.
Premise/Plot: Not too bad, actually. Mega Man has to run a gauntlet spanning the entire city to get information back to Dr. Light. Not a lot of time for musing or in-depth focus, but very exciting. No gaping holes, and the two or three that remain are easily spackled over. Out of curiosity, though, why did Wily choose to attack the one restaurant where Light and company were having dinner? And did we really NEED the "Rush Charades" 9.
Dialogue: Pretty mediocre. This episode was less talk, more action. 6.
Voice Acting: Quite good, as usual. I would, however, like to shoot the person who came up with Bright Man's voice... 7.
Mega/Proto Factor: Proto hunting his brother down- in a TANK, no less- never fails to impress me. Even better, the two have a MARVELOUS showdown by the computer core that is worth watching a few times in and of itself. 8.
Other notes and adjustments: No real adjustments here. Most of this episode's traits are covered in the main categories.
Overall: 7.5

Bro Bots

Ain?'t no WAY I'm gonna be impartial about this one, kids... It's what I dream about in a Mega Man cartoon. Protoman returns to the side of good, to fight alongside his brother and defeat the evil Dr. Wily. At least, so it seems...

Artwork: This one's got it all! Visor reflections, detail, shading... only a slight lack of depth in some of the night sequences mars it. 9
Premise/Plot: Whoohoo! Protoman and Mega Man, fighting together! Even if it's only for a while... And a plot that focuses almost as much on the characters' emotional states as on their physical actions. Add in a diabolical plan by Wily that might actually WORK, not to mention a good look at WHY Mega Man is the hero he is... There ain't nothin' wrong with this one, kids! 10.
Dialogue: The entire park scene comes to mind... Actual meaningful discussion, rather than tossing out one-liners. And then there's that final battle in the robot factory... Some excellent Wily/Proto exchanges round it out. 9.
Voice Acting: Sniff... Ian Corlett (Mega Man) and Scott McNeil (Protoman) practically deserve Oscars for this one. Ian does hope, vulnerability, worry, anger, betrayal, resignation... Scott gets to tackle wistfullness, smugness, actual concern, surprise, and a deep satisfaction. This is their episode, and the other actors are wise enough not to get in the way of that. 10.
Mega/Proto Factor: Well, this episode was all about them, and their somewhat... strained relationship. And boy, did it work. Short of giving the boys a full hour, I don't think it could have been done any better. 10.
Other notes and adjustments: You can tell it's my fave, can't you? It"s also the first episode to directly contradict "The Beginning" on the question of who built Protoman. Frankly, Light being his creator makes a LOT more sense.
Overall: 9.5

Curse of the Lion Men

It's everybody's least-favorite episode! And boy, I can see why... Mega Man goes to Hawaii to battle a race of just-awakened lion men who can turn humans into lions, and reprogram robots. I kid you not. Actually, this episode isn't really abysmal in any one area. The premise is merely silly, the plot paper thin, the artwork is atrocious, the dialogue stilted, and the voice actors seem to have said "Forget THIS." None of those would be fatal alone, but in tandem, they"re the kiss of death. Worst of all, since the enemy is not really Wily, and everybody gets reprogrammed, there are no Mega/Proto battles to save it from oblivion.

Artwork: Bad. Putrid. Far and away the worst thing about the ep, and that is going quite a distance. Basic PROPORTION is off, colors are flat, and sometimes you can't be sure what's going on! 1, and that's only because the Hawaiian night sky is actually sort of cool.
Premise/Plot: Lousy. The premise is DUMB, the plot thin. Mega Man basically Deus ex machinas from one mess to another, finally managing to save the day and stop the lion men. 3.
Dialogue: I've blocked a lot of it out... PAINFUL. The lines are stilted, and the lion men's archaic way of speaking didn't help. 3
Voice Acting: You know, even THIS episode wasn't that bad in this department, except by comparison. Nobody really seemed to care about the show, though... 5.
Mega/Proto Factor: Nonexistent. I don't think they so much as spoke to each other. 1, only because they shared the same screen.
Other notes and adjustments: Why did they bother? Were they behind their quota or something?
Overall: 2.5

The Big Shake

An earthquake in New York? It's not naturally possible, which means it's the work of Dr. Wily! (Like you couldn't have guessed.) He's got a machine that can cause quakes somehow, and he's holding the city hostage!

Artwork: Pretty nice. Shadows appeared in more than just strong light areas, and the sequence at the end with Wily's getaway vehicle was smoothly done. 8.
Premise/Plot: The plot was somewhat padded by Wily's spying and Dr. Light's earthquake stabilizer, but not blatantly so. There were a couple of holes, however... like, why did Mega Man just leave in the middle of his first battle? 6
Dialogue: Some very nice bits here, including the Mayor's impassioned speech in defiance of Wily's threats. And as always, Protoman gets some of the best lines in the show. "He'll come back. He always does." 8
Voice Acting: Scott's having fun again... Wily watching the "Touching father/son moment" between Mega and Dr. Light, for instance, or Protoman?s abduction of Roll. "Step this way, please!" 8
Mega/Proto Factor: Not as much as one could hope for, but a couple of very nice battles. 6
Other notes and adjustments: Didn't ANYBODY wonder about how you could have an earthquake with no fault line?
Overall: 7

Mega X

Mega Man X comes back in time to stop Vile from acquiring a rare metal. A quite good, if somewhat dark episode. X is a good bit harder than Mega, but they manage to avoid the "Vengeance-obsessed hero" trap. And he and Mega do make a great team.

Artwork: Wow. Very anime-styled, a bit of a departure from the norm here. Most of the action takes place at night, and you KNOW it, even in the brightly-lit sequences. Vile, Spark Mandrill, and X all look out of place-- contrast X and Mega Man's designs, and see what I mean. 10
Premise/Plot: Interesting premise, although Time Travel has been done to death. The plot was solid, if a bit thin. 7
Dialogue: Fairly mediocre. Nothing really stands out for lines. 6
Voice Acting: If everyone else in this show sounded like Bright Man, I'd still give it an eight, just for Vile alone. His delivery is marvelous, and his greeting X is unforgettable. Add to that the usual talented cast, with Ian Corlett managing to balance X and Mega Man, and this one gets a 10.
Mega/Proto Factor: None, really, but this episode isn't about them, and there's nowhere really for a battle to go. 8
Other notes and adjustments: Time travel seems a little too easy, and did they HAVE to misspell Sigma? Also, Dr. Cain looks more like Dr. Cossack than the old, bald guy he's usually portrayed as. And I would have liked to see Zero... Zero, Protoman, X and Mega could have made for some interesting scenes.
Overall: 8

Mega Pinocchio

Mega Man, ignoring all previous episodes and concepts, thinks he needs to become human to feel emotion. Wily, of course, takes advantage of this to reprogram the Blue Bomber... An extremely cheesy episode, but it does have a few good points.

Artwork: Not bad, not great. Not too much depth, nor anything that really leaped out at you. And that mind control helmet makes Wily look like he?s auditioning for the cast of Magic Knights Rayearth... 6
Premise/Plot: Oh boy. The premise contradicts everything the rest of the show has said about Mega. The plot is cheesy, but makes no major leaps. 4.
Dialogue: Below average, with such groaners as "Give me a hand." "Okay, what do you want me to do?" "No, give me THAT hand!" And "Mr. Lincoln?" It's a statue, boys, not the real thing. (Mega referring to Proto as "#1 son" was kind of cute, though.) And there were some sweet Mega/Dr. Light moments.
Voice Acting: Pretty good. Mega's "Controlled" voice was a little heavy-handed, but it wasn't too bad, and seemed to be more a case of the actor goofing off, rather than any lack of skill. The Dr. Light/Mega exchanges were surprisingly full of emotion. (Oh, and Crash Man-- what IS it with Wily and Bronx accents, anyway?) 8
Mega/Proto Factor: Gorgeous final fight, and Proto looked so HAPPY to have Mega on his side. 8
Other notes and adjustments: Points for having a serious underplot and focusing on the relationship between Mega Man and Dr. Light. +.5
Overall: 5.5

Incredible Shrinking Mega Man

Well, it?s the shrink ep. Gotta have one of these, right? Wily gets some rare crystals, and is using them to shrink and sell cities to fund his attempts to take over the world! This is a goofy one, folks.

Artwork: Hey, shadows! For once used to indicate low light, not strong. Otherwise, nothing to write home about. 7
Premise/Plot: Hmm. Not bad, not great. Just there, really. No huge holes, although some stuff was awfully convenient. 6
Dialogue: Obligatory short jokes, but those weren't overdone. No real standouts in terms of dialogue, either. 7
Voice Acting: Again, about par for the course for this series. But at least Mega Man gets to keep his normal voice.7
Mega/Proto Factor: Almost nonexistent. You'd think Proto'd welcome the chance to get in a "little" brother jab or two. 4.
Other notes and adjustments:
Overall: 6

Ice Age

Wily's gonna freeze the world! Unfortunately for him, Ice Man is feeling insecure in his position with Wily's forces. Meanwhile, Mega is trying to reform three kids with bad attitudes.

Artwork: Not bad, really, but WHY does cartoon ice always turn into neat rectangular blocks? 8
Premise/Plot: Goofy. I think Wily is beginning to hit bottom on his plans. Ice Man's rebellion was kind of cool, but we did NOT need those three kids. 6
Dialogue: Not much here. No groaners, but no great stuff, either. 5.
Voice Acting: Air Man, who makes his debut here, has another one of those Bronx accents. What's up with that? Not much else, really. 5
Mega/Proto Factor: Nope, nothing here but a couple traded plasma shots. 5
Other notes and adjustments:
Overall: 6

Robosaur Park

Almost as vilified in the fandom as "Curse of the Lion Men." What starts out as a Jurassic Park rip-off, with rampaging dinosaurs, soon involves a retrovolving computer virus which ignores all logic and premise.

Artwork: Not bad, not great. Although the image of Protoman on the back of a brontosaurus is pretty cool, and the red acid rain makes for a neat visual. 7
Premise/Plot: Good for the first half, but then... evolving robots? And even if robots DID de-evolve, they'd become primitive machines, not ape-creatures... 4
Dialogue: Not much... and most of the "Devolved" Mega and Roll dialogue is physically painful. 4
Voice Acting: Usual levels. Protoman's "Give me that, you robo-twits" is the best done line in the show. 6
Mega/Proto Factor: Low again. Sigh... 6
Other notes and adjustments:
Overall: 5.5

Terror of the Seven Seas

Wily decides to become a pirate, and starts welding battleships into a big seagoing fortress. Personally, I think he's seen "Waterworld" one too many times...

Artwork: Pretty nice, actually. Some good visor work with Protoman, and the fight scenes are well done. 8
Premise/Plot: A little thin-- Mega seems to be doing a lot of deus ex machina escapes in this ep... but I suppose we can forgive him. 6
Dialogue: "I love it when an evil plan comes together." "Well, then you're gonna hate THIS." Wily's quoting the A-Team!  Punny ep, with moderately good dialogue. 7
Voice Acting: Some nice Wily/Proto scenes that are all about the delivery. 8
Mega/Proto Factor: Gorgeous fight in the reactor room at the end... 7
Other notes and adjustments: This one gets points for the two running gags-- blowing up doors, and hitting Bomb Man with his own bombs. +1
Overall: 7.5

Night of the Living Monsterbots

Uh-boy. Wily wants into movie-making, and he intends to use his films to extort money from cities around the globe. I believe I speak for us all when I say "WHAT the?"

Artwork: Not bad, actually. Lovely night scenes, no major animation goofs, and they even remembered the rips in Dr. Light's lab coat. 8
Premise/Plot: Can we say "DUMB," boys and girls? Not to mention nonsensical. And considering Wily's obvious fame in other episodes, how likely is it that Evelyn wouldn't know him? 3
Dialogue: Not much. "That's what I get for designing a lunar powered robot," from Wily, and that's about it. 5.
Voice Acting: Even Scott didn't put too much enthusiasm into this one... 5
Mega/Proto Factor: Once again, near to non-existent. 5
Other notes and adjustments: +.5 for the cute reference- "Evelyn Wray? is a combination of Evelyn Ankers, the female lead in Lon Chaney Jr.'s "The Wolf Man," and the famous Fay Wray from "King Kong." I'm a sucker for a ref.
Overall: 5.5

Brain Bot

Dr. Light's newest creation, Brain Bot, has to be escorted to California so that Wily doesn't get a hold of him. Of course, Brain Bot has that whole "absent-minded scientist" thing going, so Mega Man has more than Wily's bots to worry about.

Artwork: Quite nice. I'm guessing most of the action is set in the Rockies, and they look very realistic. 9
Premise/Plot: Not bad, I guess. Solid, no major problems, but not really inspired. 7
Dialogue: Brain Bot is SUCH a scientist... kind of like Dr. Light. He's pretty funny, though his lines are too long to repeat here. 7
Voice Acting: Who WAS that as Brain Bot, anyway? I keep feeling I should know... (Okay, checked Voice Chasers, and THEY say it's Scott McNeil. AKA Protoman and Dr. Wily. I think I believe that.) At any rate, the voices were all pretty good, especially Dark Man's... 8
Mega/Proto Factor: Not much, but both of 'em pretty much had their hands full... 5
Other notes and adjustments:
Overall: 7

The Mega Man in the Moon

Wily hijacks a shuttle launch, planning to use a moon-based laser to start nuking Earth cities. Of course, Mega Man finds out and tries to throw a wrench into the works.

Artwork: Very pretty. Excellent design for Crystal Man, great facial detail on all concerned. Crystal Man's weapon is quite nicely rendered. Be sure to check out the shuttle ignition, the bomb exploding, and the laser's first shot at Earth. 9
Premise/Plot: Not TOO bad... although we wind up with a case of Dumb Kid Syndrome, and where did Tina get a space suit made for her size? On the other hand, Roll gets to be useful, and the writers remembered that robots don't have to worry about explosive decompression, while humans do. But what about all the noise in space? 7
Dialogue: Protoman sweeps this category again. "10-4, Supreme Space Cadet, Sir!" "Looks like you blew it, Wily!" 9
Voice Acting: Gary Chalk is the Mission Control commander-- Hi, Optimus! :) I wish, however, that the astronauts didn't all sound like versions of John Wayne. And Crystal Man sounded just a little too close to Dr. Light. One nice Wily/Proto exchange: "Protoman, you know what to do." "Don't I always?" 8
Mega/Proto Factor: Less than one would hope... The ignition sequence seemed a poor attempt to reconcile with Proto's oft-stated desire to destroy his brother personally. 6
Other notes and adjustments:
Overall: 8

The Strange Island of Dr. Wily

One of Wily's inventions backfires big time, forcing Wily and his bots to work with Dr. Light and company to save their skins. Except of course, that Wily has NO intention of going through with the truce.

Artwork: Wow. Very creepy atmosphere in this one. Makes up for the somewhat rough backgrounds. Nice light effects, and Proto's visor does some gorgeous things.  But they REALLY screwed up Wood Man's Leaf Shield. 9
Premise/Plot: Kind of old, but an interesting twist on the usual. For one thing, Mega Man isn't buying the truce for a second, and he wastes no time in informing Protoman and company of that. Very nice. Out of curiosity, didn't Shredder do this scheme before Wily? And isn't it a LITTLE convenient that Mega Man can read the ancient language? 8
Dialogue: This one's full of great lines. My favorites? Wily: "When I want your opinion, I'll program it." Also Wood Man: "I don't think he likes us!" Protoman: "Wily didn't give you a lot of brain power, did he?" 9
Voice Acting: A top-notch job from the crew once more, especially Ian Corlett. He does "hard and uncompromising" pretty well. And Scott as Protoman is in fine form as always. Wood Man is Richard Newman, doing his "Rhinox" voice. This may be jarring if you're a fan of Beast Wars; less so if you like Beast Machines. 10
Mega/Proto Factor: Nice. They do make a good team, even if they don't get along. The trip to the volcano was DEFINITELY their story. 9
Other notes and adjustments: I find it interesting that nobody doubted for a moment that Mega Man would kill Wily should the robots try anything. Heck, even I believed it! And extra points for the look on Dr. Light's face when Wily claps him on the shoulder. Clear as spoken words, it says "Great, now I'm going to have to sterilize this lab coat." +.5
Overall: 9.5

Cold Steel

Wily uses a heavy metal band to spread his mind-controlling music all around the world. Only Mega Man, Roll, and a little deaf girl named Mary are immune. But can they stop Wily before the entire world is under his control?

Artwork: Not bad, really, although there's a severe lack of shadows, which could have made things a lot nicer. 6.
Premise/Plot: Pretty cheesy. Mary seemed to be tacked on for no reason whatsoever, although the basic idea was kind of cool. 6.
Dialogue: The obligatory puns, of course, but very little that was memorable, save for Wily's "He who broadcasts and runs away, lives to broadcast another day." 6
Voice Acting: Not bad, really. Dr. Light sounds pretty good when he was mind controlled, not overdoing the zombie voice. Scott is, as usual, having a great time, both as Wily and Protoman. No standouts, but pretty good. And Gemini Man, Gyro Man and Spark Man all had "Surfer voices," but considering their disguise as heavy metal musicians, :) that's allowable. 8.
Mega/Proto Factor: One VERY missed chance at the end, one that I don't understand WHY they skipped. 5.
Other notes and adjustments: -.5 for nobody noticing the HUGE gyro on the back of a member of Cold Steel. Gee, I wonder who he is...
Overall: 5.5