Mega Man:

No, I'm not talking about the games here. Go to The Mega Man Homepage, run by Mandi Paugh, if you want game-based information and stories. Do it, it's a great place! But this little corner of the web is dedicated to the 1995 cartoon show, currently running on Fox Family at 7 AM Eastern, Sundays. Yeah, they ARE pretty cheesy in spots, but I love them anyway, and they do have their good points. They've got splash, they've got Flash (Man,) they've got loads of panache, and best of all, they have Scott McNeil talking to himself for upwards of twenty percent of each episode. What more could you want?

For starters, how about Episode Reviews? Slightly biased, because I liked most of them... but hopefully interesting to you nonetheless. Reviews will go up as I get them done. May contain spoilers.

And what would a Mega Man section be without fanfics? Well, mine would be a lot smaller...

First up, my Trinity trilogy. Set in the universe of the cartoon, they deal with the relationship between Protoman and Mega Man. Partially inspired by various stuff by Mandi Paugh. (She's so cool.)

Trinity: Everybody has secrets. Some families more than others.

Flip Side: When Mega Man is neither here nor there, where is he? In trouble up to his ears, with Protoman along for the ride.

Power of Three: The answer to why this is called "Trinity!"

And then we have some non-cartoon based stuff. I love the X series, especially Zero. Can't imagine WHY... :)

Promises to Keep: Zero is regretting a promise.

Parallel Lines of Shadow and Light: Long title, short story. What happened between Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X?

And here is my Protoman collection! What can I say, I like the guy. First up is my Chibi Protoman! Isn't he cute? You can adopt these from Neon Tiger's site, The Abyss of Nothingness. Fun for those who like Mega Man and Mega Man X. (Click the pic to go there.) Next is my Cartoon Protoman, who is just a really FUN villain. And last is the classic version from the videogames. Go Proto!

And this is my Met. They're also known as Metools, Hard Hats, and Hard Hat Horrors. Whatever you call them, they're adorable and long-lived. Did you know there are Mets running around in the time of Mega Man X?

Mail me! Or Bass and Treble will come over and PERSONALLY ask why not!

What do you do when faced with a squad of Robot Masters? Retreat to the main page!