Power Ranger Insanity!
Last updated: 11/12/00 Rainbow Seven added.

Dark in here, isn't it? That's because I'm experimenting... and there is nothing in this world more frightening than a bored fanfic writer. Just ask our characters.

If you're into Power Rangers (and I don't know why anyone reading this page wouldn't be,) you may have seen my name once or twice. You may even have read my work. (I'm Ellen Brand, in case you managed to get in here without knowing that.) Sorry, kids, you're not gonna find fanfics here. Go to the links at the bottom of the page.

No, what you'll find here is far more frightening: my essays! I write essays for fun. Spooky, huh? People have found them interesting in the past, though, so I've got 'em here. From the physics of the Personality Conflicts universe to the story on the Turbo Heroes, you can find what you want here!

Personality Conflicts Physics: I get bored in Physics class, all right? Anyway, this explains a few things about magic and psychic energy in my main Power Rangers fanfic universe.

Eight-Sided Rainbow: I get bored at work, too. A discussion of the Morphin Grid from Personality Conflicts.

Elemental Geometry: When I get bored on car trips, bad things happen. Makes several references to PR, so I thought I'd post it here.

Reference Guide: I like in-jokes. I like puns. This tends to confuse people. Here, most of the gags in my work are explained.

MiSTings: Works by April Richards, put through the riffer by yours truly. Riffed by the Power Rangers themselves! Mystery Ranger Theater 3000 begins!

1. Lost & Found: A MMPR/Speed Racer Crossover.
Parts 1, 2, and 3.
2. Team Spirit.
3. Fallen Rangers.

My satire of the Turbo movie, done in semi- Mad style. Hey, I got an A on it!

In the grand tradition of the internet, I present The Power Rangers Drinking Game! You know the rules; sit down with a bunch of tapes, a lot of your favorite beverage, and a copy. Last one to pass out and/or run to the bathroom is the winner. Submissions for Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed Rescue would be greatly appreciated.

Rainbow Seven: A little short introducing my PC versions of the Magnificent Seven. Only read if you're into both series.

There's VR Trooper stuff here, too, in case you're interested...

Never to Submit: Reports of Ryan's death were greatly exaggerated. But Tyler doesn't know that...Missing scene for Quest For Power.

Sweet Dreams: In the aftermath of Nightmares, Kaitlin's having trouble sleeping. Ryan has a plan, though.

Future Tense: A story not good enough to be archived anywhere else. :) Time travel causes trouble, and you'll never believe who's in charge of the Virtual Army!

Double Trouble: Sometimes, imitation isn't the sincerest form of flattery.

Comments? Questions? Existential debates? E-mail me and ask! If the question hits the right nerve, I might write an essay about it!

Links: Places that have my fanfic, or are just darn cool anyway!

Jenga's Library: Also a cool place, although severely wounded. Jeremy Logsdon runs it, and while he's sweet, I can't understand why he persists in having a real life... :)

Go now, and may the Power protect you.